Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Dia De los Santos Reyes

Recordando a mi Abue en el día de los Santos Reyes.

El olor de Chocolatito caliente en el aire, café instantáneo (su preferido) y la anticipación de la rosca, la rosca la traía mi mama o tía después de trabajar, nos sentamos en la mesa los primos y mama/tía preparan la rosca, Abue toma inventario y sirve el chocolatito pero ella se sirve su café. Aun recuerdo las sillas con cubierta de plástico con patrón floral (a mi Abue le encantan las flores) Verde menta con rosas rosas y rojas. la alacena llena con los platos y vasos "elegantes" enfrente de la mesa y en el tragaluz del techo se puede ver como anochece.

1 Tableta de Chocolate "Ibarra" o "abuelita"
2 Palitos de canela
2 latas de leche evaporada "clavel"

1.En una olla (preferible de barro) poner a fuego medio-alto la leche, tableta de chocolate y canela.
2.Con un molinillo de madera menear frecuentemente.
3. Dejar hervir.
4. Servir

NOTA: Opcional dejar en taza para que se forme la nata, a mi abue le encantaba la nata!

Remembering my Abue on Day of the 3 Wiseman

The smell of hot chocolate in the air, instant coffee (her favorite) and the anticipation of the traditional rosca* which was brought by my mom or aunt after work, the cousins sit at the table, mom/aunt get the rosca ready, Abue counts heads and serves hot chocolate for all, she gets herself coffee. 
I still remember the plastic upholstered chairs with floral patter on them (Abue loves flowers) they are mint green with pink and red roses. The china cabinet across from the table full of the "fancy" plates and on the skylight above you can see how he day turns into night.

1 Tablet of "Ibarra" or "Abuelita" brand chocolate
2 sticks of cinnamon
2 cans of evaporated milk "clavel" brand

1. In a pot (clay preferably) at medium-high flame put in the milk, chocolate tablet and cinnamon.
2. With a molinillo** stir frequently.
3. Bring to a boil.
4. Serve.

NOTE: let it sit so it forms a skim on top, my Abue loved the skim!

*rosca: a kind of mexican traditional bread that has hidden/baked inside plastic "baby jesus's and who ever gets the piece with it has to make tamales for dia de      January 12th.) 

**molinillo: Wooden form of whisk.

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